Fly & Vermin Mesh

T-304 stainless steel is the most widely available of all stainless steels in the wire mesh industry. Aside from the countless combinations of mesh opening sizes and diameter wire available both from stock and through manufacturing, T-304 SS exhibits many benefits and is largely considered the standard of the industry. T-304 SS has excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of environments and is used in a wide range of applications.
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Plain Square Woven Wire

The most common wire weave, with the same diameter warp and shute wires, woven in a simple over and under pattern. This style produces screens with the same mesh count in both directions.

Twill Square Woven Wire

Each shute wire typically passes over two warp wires and under two producing square openings. Twill weave can be made from larger-diameter wires than would be possible in plain square weave, to obtain greater strength, density, or corrosion resistance.

Plain Dutch Woven Wire

This weave style is woven in a plain, over and under pattern. The plain dutch woven wire style is a very tight weave because a thinner, smaller diameter shute wire is used. Dutch weaves do not have a straight-through, clear opening like most plain weave styles. Instead, the weave style creates a tortuous path through which very fine filtration and particle retention can be achieved. Dutch weaves may be specified by a “mesh count” or an “absolute filter rating.”

Dutch Twill Weave Wire

This weave style is similar to Plain Dutch, except it is woven in Twill style. Each wire passes over two wires then under two wires, still utilizing a smaller-diameter shute wire, allowing an even tighter weave and even finer filtration than the Plain Dutch weave.

Reverse Dutch Weave Wire

This weave style is the same weave as Plain Dutch, except the warp and shute wires are reversed. The larger shute wires are woven closer together than would usually be seen in a Plain Dutch weave.

Rectangular or “Off-Count” Weave Wire

This is a Plain weave wire cloth, woven in an over and under pattern with a different number of wires in the warp and shute direction, which yields a rectangular opening wire cloth. Rectangular openings are often used in sifting and sizing operations to increase product “through” capacity, with minor sacrifices in accuracy. To reduce material costs, off-count wire mesh may be substituted for square wire mesh in some applications that do not require a high level of accuracy. Some wire cloth vendors will substitute off-count wire cloth when certifications are not specified by the manufacturer. For example, a 90 x 100 mesh may be substituted for 100 x 100.

Stranded Weave Wire

Usually woven in the Plain Square style, each warp and shute “wire” is composed of a “bunch” or “group” of small-diameter wires, which are woven into a finished product.


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